Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Cosmic Number

four is cosmic
4 is cosmic.

1 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.
8 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.
2 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.
15 is 7, 7 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic
9 is 4 and 4 is cosmic.
18 is 8, 8 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.
17 is 9, 9 is 4, and 4 is cosmic. 
100 is 10, 10 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic.

If you think you recognize the pattern, submit an example.  If you need more examples, I can give you more.

one is 3, three is 5, five is 4, and 4 is cosmic.  The number of letters in each number leads to the  next number in the sequence - one has 3 letters, three has 5 letters, five has 4 letters.  Four is cosmic because its value equals its number of letters. I'm pretty sure it's the only number with this property. 


  1. 5,000,000 is 11, 11 is 6, 6 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic

  2. 77 is 12, 12 is 6, 6, is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic. Yes?

    1. very nice :) see i already knew the coosmic number riddle before it was posted. i just like to give feedbackon comments.

  3. Your riddle inspired this "paper":

  4. minecraft is 4,4 is comic

    1. Mine craft is eight, eight is five, five is four, four is cosmic.

    2. Minecraft is actually 9, 9 is 4, 4 is cosmic

  5. 40 is 5 5 is 4 and 4 is cosmic

  6. 99,000-17-9-4-cosmic

  7. 323 is 23, 23 is 11, 11 is 6, 6 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4 and 4 is cosmic. 323 is the lowest number with a six-step path to cosmicity. (Yes cosmicity) The lowest number with a seven-step path is over 10^30. So if you want to put money on this game, it's reasonably safe to bet that any number given can become cosmic in less than six steps.

  8. 69 is 9, 9 is 4 and 4 is cosmic number

  9. 2,463,792 = 66
    66 = 8
    8 = 5
    5 = 4
    4 is the cosmic number

  10. Ive heard this one before!
    97 is eleven,
    11 is six,
    6 is three,
    3 is five,
    5 is four,
    4 is four,
    4 IS COSMIC!

  11. 1213 is 29,
    29 is 10
    10 is 3
    3 is 5
    5 is 4
    4 is cosmic

  12. 263654784 is 76,76 is 10, 10 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is the cosmic number!

  13. 13 is 8,8 is 5,5 is 4 and 4 is cosmic

  14. 21 is 9,9 is 4 and 4 is cosmic.

  15. 525,600 is 39.
    39 is 10.
    10 is 3.
    3 is 5.
    5 is 4.
    4 is cosmic.

  16. I hate this. i figure this 15 minutes. U take 15 years. TROLL!!!!

  17. 2000 is 10
    10 is 3
    3 is 5
    5 is 4
    4 is cosmic

  18. 2000 is 11
    11 is 6
    6 is 3
    3 is 5
    5 is 4
    4 is always cosmic

  19. 99,000-17-9-4-cosmic. It is like I'm outside universe and looking for cosmic rays ;)

  20. 76 is 10, ten is 3, 3 is 5 and 5 is 4... clever.

  21. 16 is 7
    7 is 5
    5 is 4
    Four is the cosmic number

  22. 5,675,804,768 is 85
    85 is 10
    10 is 3
    3 is 5
    5 is 4

    4 Is the cosmic number

  23. 23 is 11, 11 is 6, 6 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4, 4 is 4

    1. No...just no. You are stupid. Very stupid

  24. 500 is 11, 11 is 6, 6 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic

  25. 6,345 is 32, 32 is 9, 9 is 4, and 4 is the cosmic number

  26. 6,560,323,453=84=10=3=5=4

  27. 9/11 is 10
    10 is 3
    3 is 5
    5 is 4
    4 is the cosmic number.

  28. 20 is 6
    6 is 3
    3 is 5
    5 is 4,
    4 is the cosmic number

  29. 20 is 6
    6 is 3
    3 is 5
    5 is 4,
    4 is the cosmic number

  30. 123456789098765432345678 is something that eventually is equal to 4 is cosmic

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This is known as Moford's Theorem - Everything is 4. Moford has been illuminating people for 30 years:

  34. 4 is cosmic, cosmic is 6, 6 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is cosmic, ...

  35. unicorns are 8, 8 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic

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  36. unicorns are 8, 8 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is cosmic

  37. 7 is 5 5 is 4 4 is cosmic

    1. 7 is 10 could be 5 i need more examples

  38. Googolplex is 10, ten is 3, three is 5, five is 4, 4 is cosmic

  39. my friends told me this one and i struggled to figure it out now i know and now i am happy

    thank you

  40. Can you provide any consistent evidence on this property of four from the literature? I am writing a paper but can't find any form of rigid paper to back up my claim.

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  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. 10000000 is 10 10 is 3 3 is 5 5 is 4 and 4 is cosmic

  44. 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 is 18 18 is 8 8 is 5 5 is 4 and 4 is cosmic

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